Heated Politics, and Thinking Beyond “Stage One”
It’s no surprise that this year’s U.S. presidential race has become a subject of conversation around the globe. And it’s probably a fair assumption that the intensity will only increase as the November 8 election date nears.
We are by no means implying that you should ignore what is going on in the world around you. Politics and politicians regularly and directly affect many aspects of our lives. But as you think through this year’s raucous race, remember this:
The more heated the politics, the more important it is to establish and maintain
a well-planned, long-term approach to managing your investments. > SEE MORE

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Waypoint Wealth Management
My Love/Hate Relationship With ‘Past Performance’
“Past performance is not indicative of future results.”
Sound familiar? If you have invested in any regulated investment of any form, you have read or heard this phrase before. I have to be honest. Even as a professional advisor, when I read this and explain it to clients there is something about it that gets on my nerves. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s untrue or that I don’t believe it. We don’t know what the future returns of our investments are going to be. We don’t know the exact short-term direction of an investment, and if anyone tells you that they do, you should find another advisor because you will be set up for failure.
If I really think about why this phrase annoys me, I think it is because I want to find some certainty with an investment’s outcome. Doesn’t everyone? > SEE MORE

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Pete Dixon, CFP®
Partner and Advisor
For True Freedom, Learn to Deal With Uncertainty
Almost 10 years ago, I knew a guy on a financial rocket ship. He had a great house, a successful business and a solid income.
But then things changed. With the benefit of hindsight, it was clear he bought a little too much house and spent a little too much money. At the beginning, he was rewarded for buying the house. Its value went up a lot in a short time. For context, imagine Florida, Arizona or Las Vegas in 2006-7. Houses were selling even before hitting the official market and for way more than the asking price. > SEE MORE

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The BAM Alliance
The Secret to Investing in Volatile Times
The financial media loves volatile markets. When the market drops, investors understandably become anxious. They have questions like: What is causing the decline? How low will the market fall? Should I sit on the sidelines until things “settle down”? Are there “defensive stocks” I should buy that will protect me during this period of uncertainty? > SEE MORE

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