A World of Opportunities
How do we measure the world? Thinking only in terms of a country’s landmass can distort investment decisions. Directly comparing the markets of all nations produces some surprising results. Measures such as population, gross domestic product, or exports do not directly indicate the size or suitability of investments in a market.
This following illustration is one of our favorites and shows the balance of stock (equity) investment opportunities around the world. The size of each country has been adjusted to reflect its total relative “capitalization.”
Click here to view an enlarged version
Of course, the world is in motion— > SEE MORE

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Waypoint Wealth Management
Post Election Reflections

Whether you’re feeling elated, deflated or mostly just jaded about what just happened in the U.S. elections, we wanted to reach out to you with a few thoughts related to the recent election. It’s possible that even President-elect Trump himself didn’t see this one coming, and so we wanted to provide some perspective from this important event.

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Waypoint Wealth Management
The Life You Chose
For some reason, a lot of people seem to be retiring lately. Over the last year, I and my partners Dave and Grant have helped numerous people make that leap away from their career, which for many can be a scary time. This is a very rewarding aspect of our careers as advisors. And it is also humbling and a great responsibility to advise those clients through this major event in their lives.
Once we get beyond the “X’s and O’s” related to the financial aspect of this planning, I can’t help but think about this next chapter for them and this word “Retirement.” At a recent class I attended, financial planner and Forbes columnist Carolyn McClanahan said something that we couldn’t agree with more. She said “let’s stop calling this Retirement, and start calling this just another transition in life that needs to be planned for.” To me, that opens up the realm of possibilities for the future rather than just contemplating what you would stop doing (which is the traditional way to approach retirement).

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Pete Dixon, CFP®
Partner and Advisor
For True Freedom, Learn to Deal With Uncertainty
Almost 10 years ago, I knew a guy on a financial rocket ship. He had a great house, a successful business and a solid income.
But then things changed. With the benefit of hindsight, it was clear he bought a little too much house and spent a little too much money. At the beginning, he was rewarded for buying the house. Its value went up a lot in a short time. For context, imagine Florida, Arizona or Las Vegas in 2006-7. Houses were selling even before hitting the official market and for way more than the asking price. > SEE MORE

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